IFCE Active in France and Internationally

The French Horse and Riding Institute is the public operator which serves the equine sector. It works throughout France in the interest of the profession, regional local authorities, state and all those concerned by horse and riding. The range of products and services, under the IFCE brand, and under the heritage brands Haras nationaux and Cadre noir, adapts to the public expectations and to changes in society.

Internationally, the institute supports economic stakeholders of the french equine sector to foster cooperation between institutions and bring together the countries.

Dictionnaire équestre en 8 langues

Un incontournable pour évoluer dans un univers multilingue avec près de 500 termes pour échanger autour du cheval en 8 langues ! Cavalier, professionnel du cheval ou amateur mais tous désireux de communiquer avec des [...]
