Jobs and Training


The IFCE pursues its mission of developing professional training by ensuring the development of the skills of the actors and future employees of the equine industry.

The IFCE Training Center

The IFCE Training Center provides a wide panel of excellence courses, which meets the expectations of professionals, in the field of breeding, horse riding, saddlery, driving and blacksmithery. The students are immersed in the heart of the french equine industry where they can walk alongside trainers, researchers and professionals. They also have the opportunity to participate in sport shows, symposiums, seminars and conferences.

Pre-requisites to enter a training are the following :

  • be at least 18 years old (or accompanied by a legally responsible adult)
  • have a valid visa for the entire stay in France
  • have a health insurance cover and third party liability insurance cover
  • have a complementary health insurance cover and an equestrian licence issued by your federation


Created in May 2007, « équi-ressources » is a platform for information and services whose aim is to match job offers and applications regarding employments and internships in the horse industry. This organisation is the result of a partnership between the Equine Cluster (Pôle de compétitivité filière équine), the French Employment Agency (Pôle emploi), the Regional Council of Normandy (conseil regional de Basse Normandie) and the IFCE.

Its main objective is to centralise data and making it more accessible. The quality of the network of partners is a key factor in the efficiency of the system.

The International Dimension of Equi-ressources

The department also has an international dimension, with the double task of :

  • offering job opportunities for French people abroad in order to improve the international growth of the French equine know-how,
  • fostering the development of vocational courses in France for foreigners.

Equi-ressources’ Commitment

Equi-ressources is commited to helping with the writing and the wording of job descriptions and/or internship offers (including translation). It also has the mission of collecting applications and creating a shortlist according to the applicant profiles and the skills required for the position. Foreign candidates wishing to work in France can also apply for a job via équi-ressources platform

Visit Equi-ressources platform